Frequently Asked Questions
What do you need to start learning at Maestro7IT ?

All you need is a computer, internet and a desire to learn. Programming is like learning to play guitar: it's a bit difficult in the beginning, but the more you practice, the better the result. We will be your musical gurus in the world of code 🎶
Is this course suitable for me if I am a complete beginner ?

Uh, sure. We like to help beginners.
All our courses are designed so that you feel confident from the first day, even if you have never written code before.

We start with the basics and gradually move on to complex projects.

We will help you go from “What is HTML ?” to “Wow, I made my first web application”

And if I'm already an experienced developer?

Then we have advanced courses for you, where we dive into the intricacies of modern programming languages and frameworks.

Do you want to become a master in Python, C++ or JavaScript?

We will help you with that. It's never too late to learn.

How long do the courses last ?

It depends on the chosen course and your rhythm.

Most of our courses can be completed in 2-3 months if you study 2-3 hours a day. But if you want to go faster, we won't stop you.

Everything can be completed at your own pace - the time is completely under your control.

What should I do if I have questions during the training ?

We are always here for you!

Our tutors are available for consultations at your convenience.

You will have access to a community of students and teachers where you can ask any questions, share your successes and even joke about “why write ; at the end of a line of code”.

What skills will I gain ?

After the course you will be confident in one or more programming languages, you will be able to create full-fledged web applications, games or automation systems.

And most importantly, you will gain confidence in your abilities and a cool line in your resume!

What if I want to study but don't have enough time ?

We have a flexible learning schedule, you can learn at a time that suits you.

Whether you want to code in the morning before work or in the evening after - it's up to you.

The main thing is that the learning process is adapted to you.

And if I'm already an experienced developer ?

Then we have advanced courses for you, where we dive into the intricacies of modern programming languages and frameworks.

Do you want to become a master in Python, C++ or JavaScript ?

We will help you with that. It's never too late to learn.

“Education is not preparation for life; it is life itself.” - John Dewey

A bug that “fixed itself”

A programmer was working on a project and a bug suddenly appeared and he couldn't rest. He tried everything - debugging, tests, even rewriting the code from scratch, but nothing helped.

In despair he decided to go home and come back to the problem the next day. When he returned, the bug seemed to have disappeared on its own!

This is one of those mysterious moments when a bug goes away as suddenly as it appears. From then on, the programmer began to believe that computers have a life of their own and sometimes just “think”.

Code comments are important

One day a programmer was given the task of maintaining old code written several years ago by someone else. He started to study the code, and there was not a single comment in it.

The program was complex, and understanding what was going on there took a long time.

After a few weeks of figuring it out, he found a strange line in one place: // Don't touch this. Don't even try. You won't understand how it works.

The programmer heeded the advice. Since then, he has always carefully commented his code so that no one would encounter such a mystery in the future.

“Coder or wizard ?”

A newbie at work thought his senior colleague was a genius.

Every time the newbie had an error, the senior programmer would come over, just look at the screen, not touch anything and say, “Try again”.

The error would go away. This went on for several weeks, until the newcomer realized that it was not magic, but that his colleague helped him just by his presence - calmness and a new point of view solved most problems.

A program that never crashed

A young developer was proud of his program: it was perfect, never crashed and ran like clockwork. One day his boss asked him: “What happens if you enter the wrong data?”.

The programmer, confident in himself, did not hesitate to answer: “My program does not crash, it knows what to do”. The supervisor smiled and entered in the field “Name” - numbers. The program gave an error and immediately closed.

Since then, the developer understood: a program should not be only “beautiful”, it should be protected from all possible errors.

How to contact support ?

You can contact our support team via the Contact Us section or send us an email at

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